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Recovery Connections program run by Psychiatric Survivors of Ottawa

Recovery Connections program run by Psychiatric Survivors of Ottawa

Learn about the Recovery Connections program run by Psychiatric Survivors of Ottawa. Peer support is an intentional and supportive relationship between two or more people who share a similar lived experience, such as a substance use and/or mental health challenge. It is a confidential, recovery-oriented, and mutual exchange that meets people with empathy, openness, and the freedom to explore their personal definition of recovery. 

Recovery Connections is a program of Psychiatric Survivors of Ottawa that partners with organizations in Ottawa to provide intentional-style peer support and family peer support. Peer support workers are sited in Inpatient Mental Health Units, Emergency Departments, community organizations and, very soon, supportive housing programs, to literally and figuratively meet people where they are at. RC peer support workers walk with people into communities of their choosing and develop community programming as needed. 

Amy Klassen has experience providing intentional-style peer support, coordinating peer support volunteers, and managing the Recovery Connections program. She is passionate about creating opportunities for connection, and climbs at least one tree a week.


September 15

Niagara Mental Health & Addictions Response Team (MHART)

October 13

The Walk-In Counselling Clinic (TWICC) and Counselling Connect/Counseling on connecte (CC-Coc)